- "See to it that no one misses
the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble
and defile many."
Our statements of beliefs constitute our basic beliefs. We are
an open minded community of believers who constantly renew our
commitment to a deeper understand of God and His will for us.
In the Joy of Salvation we freely Fellowship and worship in Christian
Unity. We believe in the Freedom of Choice, being individually
responsible before God for our lives, thoughts, and actions. Christians
hold various views based upon our spiritual gifts, abilities to
understand scriptures, past teachings, and national origins.
We therefore advocate Freedom of Religion, seeking answers through
study, prayer, and guidance by our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit. Having, great love and admiration for each other without
respect for wealth, race, gender, age, social status, or doctrinal
differences. We are committed to seeking the will of God in our
lives and faithfully dedicating our life to the service of Jesus
Christ that we may be helpers in the Joy of Salvation.
Mission: Chaplain Fellowship Ministries is a faith based
Christian organization supporting each other in edification, fellowship,
and worship in Christian unity. To qualify, equip, and recognize
those seeking Minister Ordination. To accomplish this mission
we offers a free study course from independent web sites or by
mail covering many aspects of basic Christianity and Ministry.
We know that by building and strengthening the Christian Communities
and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world we are
doing what God has called us to do.
Freedom of Choice: As part of Chaplain Fellowship Ministries
mission statement we are obligated to teach biblical truths. In
doing so we advocate freedom of choice even as God gave Adam and
Eve freedom of choice so we will never stand between you and God.
We will never try to force any one to believe something contrary
to what they want to believe. Chaplain Fellowship Ministries does
not engage in practicing, public ridicule, criticism, or unfriendly
fellowship. Chaplain Fellowship Ministries consists of different
people from different backgrounds. We honor all people no matter
where they come from.
God: God is the creator of all things, for God is eternal,
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent whose fullness is beyond
all human conceptions.
Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah, born
of the Virgin Mary who died for the sins of all mankinds as our
loving and merciful Savior. He was then resurrected and ascended
to heaven and will at the appointed time return to earth to establish
the Kingdom of God. He is deserving of great Honor, Glory, and
Reverence of which every knee should bow.
Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is our Comforter promised
by Jesus Christ that lives inside of us, guiding in all truths
to salvation.
The Bible: The Bible is the infallible inspired word of
God containing his plan of salvation for mankind and is the foundation
of knowledge and the final authority of faith, life, truth, and
Salvation: Salvation is the deliverance from the bondage
of sin, our atonement to God with the assurance of eternal life.
Salvation is a free unmerited gift from God through faith in Jesus
Christ and his sacrifice on the cross for our sins.
Grace: Grace is the free, unmerited gift of eternal life,
which God gives to those who have a change of heart and start
a new life in Christ. Through faith in Christ we are always under
the umbrella of grace.
Christianity: Christians are people acting in faith who
accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and in whom the Holy Spirit
lives inside creating a new birth. This new birth lives a different
life by following the footsteps of Christ and shows Christian
fruits of the Holy Spirit as evidence.
Ministry: We believe all Christians have varying callings
from God, and are given spiritual gifts to fulfill their callings.
Minister ordination is a spiritual gift and calling directly from
God, and is not to be taken lightly. God chooses to call who he
will, or to use any instrument, to accomplish his will.
From the beginning, the spread of the Gospel was a lay movement.
Men like Peter and John were untrained fishermen. The majority
of ministry and missionary activity in the early Church and Ministry
was accomplished by non-professionals, ordinary men and women
involved in secular work as occupations. Jesus entrusted the laity
"ordinary people" with major responsibilities of spreading
the Gospel. Taking fishermen from their boats, He made them into
fishers of men. Jesus knew that ordinary people would become extraordinary
when empowered by the Holy Spirit. Thank you for visiting with
Fellowship Ministries International
Inc. was organized and is operated exclusively for charitable,
educational, religious or scientific purposes, with ministries,
chaplaincy's, churches, training institutes, chaplains, pastors,
priest and ministers working worldwide. Last Updated on july 9th
2010 at 3:26 AM. © All rights reserved.